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Selling a Home
buyers guide

For Seniors

AARP has stated that
“77% of individuals over 50 prefer to age in their own homes. Yet, the inevitable challenges of aging, including diminished sensory faculties and mobility restrictions, can complicate their desire to stay in their current residences. As a result, finding a home better suited to their changing needs becomes an urgent concern.
“In light of this, they developed a thorough, easy-to-navigate guide to assist seniors in their home-buying journey. This resource addresses crucial topics such as identifying the ideal location, essential home features, professional assistance, home-buying options, and effective financing strategies.”

Check out the AARP guide 

Ravalli County Demographics

Population 41,902

Information provided by TouchPoint Properties broker, realtors, and agents for home buyer and home sellers.

Data for Ravalli County / Bitterroot Valley, and for Missoula County.


76.1 %

Housing value


Median income


per household

College Education

60.7 %

beyond high school


22.9 min

Average commute to work in minutes

Average age

48.8 years

Missoula County Demographics

Population 115,983


58.7 %

Housing value


Median income


per household


74.2 %

beyond high school


18.3 min

Average commute to work in minutes

Average age

35.6 years